10 minute energizing morning flow
Wake up, salute the sun, and get ready to tackle the day with this ten minute energizing morning flow. With intention setting, quick movements, and breathing exercises you will be ready to bring forth all the zen in all the activities on your to-do list!
energizing morning flow poses
wide legged child’s pose
Bring your big toes to touch, and knees out towards the edge of your mat
Release your hips back to your heels, as you sink deeper into the posture
Rest your forehead on the mat
Your hands can be stretched forward or down by your sides
MODIFICATION - Traditional Child’s Pose, knees together, hands down by your feet
downward facing dog
Press into your palms as you straighten your arms, framing your ears
Lengthen your spine and lift your tailbone high
Bend your knees slightly and press into your heels - though they do not need to touch the mat.
Relax your head and neck, gaze toward your navel
MODIFICATION: Take child's pose or tabletop if this posture becomes too intense
rag doll
From mountain pose, bend your knees as you hinge forward from your hips to a forward fold
Grab opposite elbows and begin to sway from left to right
Shake your head yes and no to release your neck and then look at the back edge of your mat
MODIFICATION: Create a deeper bend in your knees and rest your elbows on your thighs
From forward fold, stack your hands directly below your shoulders and step back into plank pose
Press your heels forward to stack directly above your toes
Engage your core
Create one long line from your heels to your head
As you exhale, begin to lower into low plank, squeezing your elbows into your sides
Maintain a straight line by hugging in and gaze forward to elongate your neck
MODIFICATION: Lower to your knees in plank pose but continue to engage your core and arms
upward facing dog
From low plank, push your torso forward and flip your toes to press into the mat
With your hands near your low ribs and directly below your shoulders, press down to lift your chest up
Pull your shoulders down and back away from your ears
Press into the tops of your feet while you engage your thighs off the mat
Gaze forward to elongate your neck, avoid craning your neck upwards
MODIFICATION: Lower your thighs for cobra pose
warrior ii
Widen your stance and send your right leg long behind you, pivot your right foot out between 45 and 90 degrees
Bring your heels in line or match your front heel to your back inner arch - your feet should be perpendicular to each other
Bend your front knee to stack in line with your ankle
Lift your arms in line with your shoulders, but bring your shoulder blades down and back away from your ears
Set your hips facing forward, tailbone tucked, and shoulders stacked above hips
MODIFICATION: Lessen the bend in your front knee lessen your stance slightly
From Warrior II, straighten your front leg and begin to hinge forward, leading with the crown of the head
Reach down toward the ground and lift your back arm up toward the sky
Rotate your chest open and push your back hip behind you
Tuck your tailbone under
Release your shoulders down and back
MODIFICATION: Use a block under your lower hand and/or switch your gaze to your foot to alleviate any pain in your neck
supine pigeon
Lying on your back, plant the soles of your feet onto the mat
Bring your right leg into a figure four and rest your right ankle slightly below the knee on your left thigh
Press your right knee away to create more opening
Flex through both feet
Begin to lift the left foot off the mat
Thread your hand through the opening and outside the left leg to pull against the back of your leg
MODIFICATION: Begin with the soles of your feet against the wall or leave one foot on the mat
supta baddha konasana
Lying on your back, bring the soles of your feet together, allow you knees to open wide
Place one hand on your belly, one hand on your heart
With each inhale, allow your navel to rise and your belly to fill, lifting your hand
With each exhale, sink your navel to the mat, lowering your hand
MODIFICATION: Place a block under each knee to lessen the hip opening
more flows + meditations