10 minute full body flow
Sitting in a chair all day is a necessary part of the job for many people. However, the side effects of being stationary and seated can wreak havoc on our body. Enjoy this short, all levels, full body flow that focuses on opening our spine, shoulders, hips and legs while breathing deeply, reversing our blood flow and letting go of the seated day.
full body flow poses
mountain side stretch
Beginning in mountain pose, step your feet hips width distance apart and press your feet into the earth
Inhale and reach your arms up, interlace fingers but keep index fingers pointed
On your exhale, begin to reach towards the left side as you press into your right hip
As you breathe, release your shoulders down and back, away from your ears
shoulder bind
Standing tall in mountain pose, interlace your fingers in a fist behind your back
On your inhale, send your heart open as you press your shoulder blades down, back and together as you straighten your arms
Breath deeply and allow your chest to shine forward as you lengthen your arms behind you
MODIFICATION: If this posture is too intense, grab opposite elbows or forearms behind your back to open your shoulders gently
rag doll
From mountain pose, bend your knees as you hinge forward from your hips to a forward fold
Grab opposite elbows and begin to sway from left to right
Shake your head yes and no to release your neck and then look at the back edge of your mat
MODIFICATION: Create a deeper bend in your knees and rest your elbows on your thighs
garland pose
Step your feet slightly wide and angle them away from your body as you begin to lower into a squat
Press your palms into prayer as you press the backs of your elbows into your knees to open your hips
Use your inhales to length your spine and your torso, drawing your shoulders down and back
To twist, press your right elbow into your knee as you begin to gaze over your left shoulder
To bind, straighten your right arm, twist your palm so it faces behind. Straighten your left arm and slightly twist so your palm faces behind you, begin to bend and reach for your palms to meet
MODIFICATION: Place a folded blanket under your heels if they are unable to reach the ground
MODIFICATION: Use a strap to help you bind your twist
low lunge
From forward fold, plant your hands into the mat and step your right foot long behind you, lower your right knee. Your back toes can be either tucked or untucked
Adjust your left foot so that your knee is stacked above your ankle
Lengthen your spine and press down into your hips
MODIFICATION: Use two blocks under your palms to lengthen your spine if you can’t reach the ground
MODIFICATION: If you have knee pain, fold a blanket under your back knee to lessen the impact
cobra pose
Place your hands outside of your shoulders
Press into your palms, squeezing your elbows into your sides
On your inhale, begin to lift the chest up, press the tops of your feet into the mat and gaze forward or up towards your third eye
MODIFICATION - Sphinx Pose, rest your forearms on the mat, elbows below shoulders, slightly lift
downward facing dog
Press into your palms as you straighten your arms, framing your ears
Lengthen your spine and lift your tailbone high
Bend your knees slightly and press into your heels - though they do not need to touch the mat.
Relax your head and neck, gaze toward your navel
MODIFICATION: Take child's pose or tabletop if this posture becomes too intense
legs up the wall
Laying on your back, take a block or pillow and place it under your sacrum
Send your legs into the air and allow the blood flow to reverse directions
MODIFICATION: To use the wall, sit with your right side to the wall. Gently lie on your back and begin to rotate until your tailbone faces the wall. Carefully extend your legs
Lay down on your back
Relax your entire body
Palms can face up
Bring a pillow to your low back or under your knees
MODIFICATION - Legs up the wall is a good alternative if lying on your back is uncomfortable
more flows + meditations